Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Traveling Safe when on International Business

Safety is a concern no matter where you travel in the world. Of course, some countries and cities will be safer than others will, but it is always important to be alert and to keep personal safety in mind when you travel.
Before You Leave Home
Before you go, make a photocopy of your passport and visas. Keep them with you, but separate from your actual passport. Also leave a set at home with someone you can contact easily. If you lose your passport, go in person to the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, and apply for a new one. If your passport has been stolen, file a police report, as you will need it when you reapply for a new passport. Having a copy of your passport will save time. If you are traveling with another person, have them come with you to help verify that you are an American citizen. Bring your U.S. driver's license or other identification with you. If the consulate cannot verify your identification, you'll be given a limited validity passport and when you get back to the U.S. you will need to reapply.
Travel Safety
It is important to be on guard at airports, train and bus stations. These are areas where petty theft can easily occur. These areas are easily accessed by the public and have a lot of activity, which helps a thief work unobserved. Interestingly, most business people report that it isn't the locals that you need to worry about, it's other people who may be traveling. Don't assume that a country generally perceived as safe, such as Japan, has no crime problems and let down your guard.
If you have luggage, use covered luggage tags, and use an office instead of a home address. Lock your suitcase before putting it into overhead bins and keep your purse with you when you go to the rest room on the airplane or train. Don't wear loud jewelry that will make you stand out as a wealthy target or tourist to a thief. It is always best to blend in as much as you can without calling attention to yourself. Some women suggest that traveling dressed down is a safer way to go. However, others caution that you may not be viewed or treated as a professional if you are not dressed in smart attire when you travel.
Hotel Safety
You can reduce your risk of theft and assault by staying in a quality hotel that has safety features such doormen, bellmen, and night staff. Choose popular, business travelers' hotels in tourist areas, not in residential areas where the streets tend to quiet down in the evening. Some women recommend staying in a hotel that is large so there are people actively coming and going and you won't be alone. Others prefer a small hotel where the lobby is under the watchful eye of the desk clerk and where a loiterer would be obvious.
When you check in, make sure that your room number is not announced for nearby guests to hear. Lock your valuables in the hotel safety deposit box or the safe in your room. Use the peephole in your door to help identify visitors. If someone knocks on your door at night stating they are night staff, call the hotel lobby to confirm and verify their purpose before opening the door. Most modern hotels have voicemail. If you are not expecting a late night call, let the caller leave a voicemail message. You can call the person back; it is worth a two-minute delay to ensure it is not a crank caller.
Street Safety
Being Followed
I have received reports from women on business in London, Paris, Tokyo, Rome and other cities that they have been followed by men they do not know. Since you do not know the intent of the man following you in such a situation, it is best not to interact with the person but try to lose him as quickly as possible.
Here are some tips to avoid being followed and how to confront someone who is following you:
o Walk in populated areas so that you have other people around you.
o If you are being followed, turn off into a department store, a hotel, or other public area where you might find someone to help you if needed.
o Try ignoring the individual. He may eventually go away. If your follower knows that it bothers you, he may turn it into a game.
o Take a taxi to get away, even if it is just for a few blocks.
o Confront the person with a stare-down if you think that will cause him to run off (although if not done aggressively, many times this will encourage conversation).
Pickpockets and Petty Theft
Many businesswomen who travel internationally have experienced petty theft, such as purse-snatchings and pickpockets on the street, in restaurants, and in dark garages. Some cities have more incidents than others do. Here are some tips on how to avoid a pickpocket:
o Avoid dense crowds, as this is usually where a pickpocket will linger.
o Crowded buses, train stations and airports are prime spots for pickpockets. If you are wearing pants in these places, keep your money in your front pocket.
o On sidewalks, do not walk close to street traffic, as passing motorbike thieves often snatch purses.
o Sling your handbag over your shoulder and body so that it is more secure and harder to snatch.
o Do not hang your handbag on the inside of a restroom door handle or set it on the floor where it can be easily lifted.
o In a restaurant, wrap your handbag around your leg or keep it on your lap. Do not hang it over the back of your chair.
o Study city maps in your room before you venture out so that you have a clear sense of where you are going and don't look like a tourist.
o Be aware that people may be watching you dial your phone-card number in a phone booth. Such people may memorize the numbers for later use.
o Avoid ATM's in lonely areas. If it does not appear to be safe, exchange money at the hotel to avoid risk.
Tracey Wilen is Author at http://www.globalwomen.biz/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tracey_Wilen

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/355479

Business Travel Made Easy

If you have to travel for business, take the approach that everything will go wrong. That way you're prepared to handle whatever comes your way and no challenge will derail your business plans. Following are the key steps to take before, during, and after a trip to make business travel as stress-free as possible.
1. Your pre-flight preparations
* Create your travel binder. This is a small binder (5" x 11") that will hold all your travel document essentials. In your binder include your airline ticket (or electronic ticketconfirmation), photo identification, passport (if needed), expense log, receipt envelope or pocket, cash, passes or membership cards, and your frequent flyer or frequent stay identification numbers. To minimize the number of frequent guest cards you need to carry, laminate a single card that has all of your frequent flyer and frequent stay identification numbers and information. Keep your travel binder with you at all times, in an outside pocket of your carry-on bag.
* When you choose your flight, never reserve the last flight scheduled before you need to be at your destination, even if that means arriving at your destination a day early. Why? Because you need to plan that something will go wrong with your flight and you'll need to catch the next flight out. If the meeting or event you're attending is critical, then make sure you have two flight times you can fall back on. Remember, flights get cancelled, grounded, and delayed every day. You need a backup so you can still make it to your destination on time.
* If you'll be making a presentation using PowerPoint or some other software program, prepare a backup of your presentation. For example, you could carry a flash drive around your neck, pack a CD in your carry on luggage, burn a copy on the hard drive of your laptop, pack a hard copy in your checked luggage, or upload an electronic copy online so you can download it should you need it. At the minimum, have at least two presentation backup options. If it's a vital presentation, have three or four backup options.
* Pack light enough that you can personally carry all your luggage without assistance. You may not need to carry it all by yourself, but you want to be able to should the need arise.
2. Travel-day essentials
* When you travel, always wear the clothing you plan to wear for your presentation or meeting. If needed, you can get the clothes laundered that evening at the hotel. But because luggage delays are common, you don't want to have to meet that big client wearing jeans and a t-shirt. As an added bonus, the more professional you dress when traveling, the higher your chances of being bumped up to first class.
* Label everything, even your carry-on luggage. Count on checked luggage not returning with you if you don't have your label and contact information on it. And always assume that you'll get separated from your carry-on bag for some reason. Make it as easy as possible for all your belongings to find their way back to you. For security purposes, label everything with your business information rather than your home information.
* Check with your airline for any travel or security measures. Each airline has different guidelines in terms of number of checked and carry-on bags allowed, weight and/or size limitations for baggage, and restrictions on what items you can bring aboard the plane. Also check the TSA Web site for any updated security checkpoint guidelines.
* Plant a cash reserve in several different locations: on your body, in your travel binder, in your carry on, etc. Things often get lost or stolen, and you don't want to be stranded without any money. Also remember to bring small bills for tips as well as larger bills for greater expenses.
* Allow ample time for you to go from your home to your scheduled flight. Calculate how long your drive to the airport will be, including traffic delays. Double the amount of time you think it will take. Calculate how long it will take you to shuttle from the parking area to the airport entrance. Double the amount of time you think it will take. Calculate how long it will take you to get through security and to your gate. Double the amount of time you think it will take. Plan on things going wrong and schedule time for delays. If you end up being early and have lots of time to kill before your flight, bring some work with you that you can complete at the airport or on your flight.
3. Post-trip planning
* Begin preparing for your next business trip as soon as you return from the current one. Restock all your travel size toiletry containers so you're ready for your next flight. If you wait until the next trip to prepare, chances are that in your rush to get everything done, you'll forget some essential items.
* Clean out your travel binder and have it ready for the next trip. Sort through your receipts, and complete and submit your expense log. Restock your travel binder with any updated papers or cards, and replenish your cash reserve.
* Do any promised follow-up or delegation the day you arrive back at the office. If you wait a few days until you're "back in the groove" of everyday work, you'll get sidetracked and will forget to complete the tasks you said you'd do.
Fly through the challenges of air travel
Realize that you can use these same suggestions for personal travel, thus making your vacations truly relaxing without the customary horror stories of airline travel. All it takes is a little planning and forethought on your part. In the end, airline travel, whether for business or pleasure, doesn't have to be the headache so many people make it out to be. By simply following a few guidelines before, during, and after your trip, you can make any travel experience stress-free and enjoyable.

Social Security Card

When you hire a new employee there is a host of information to collect to get that person into your payroll system. Your payroll provider will need to have certain data in order to be able to process a new hire's pay. Some of the data you have to gather is name, address, social security number, rates of pay and direct deposit information. Your company may also offer benefits that require further forms be filled out as well. So you may need to have forms filled out for health insurance benefits, 401k deductions, and the list continues.
There are also several forms that you are required to get and keep on file as an employer. These are the I-9 form and W-4 form.
With these two forms the same question always arises.
Do you really need to see an employee's Social Security card?
A lot of employers ask to see an employee's card. But what are you looking for when you do? Do you think that once seeing the card you will be able to tell if it is correct? Do you think you need to keep a copy of it on file? Is your new hire required to show you a physical card?
According to the Social Security Administration, there have been thirty different versions of the SSN card issued since 1936. This makes it difficult to recognize if you are looking at a valid card.
Other times an employee may not have their card. It is either lost or misplaced but certainly not available at the time they are filling out employment forms.
In either of these cases you do not have to send your new employee off to get a new Social Security card. And if you do, you may be surprised that the employee is discouraged from getting another card, even though the first few duplicates are typically free of charge.
As a responsible employer you may not like the idea of not having a Social Security card in hand when processing your new hire's paperwork. Instead you may consider using the free Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) available from the Social Security Administration. This service allows you to verify whether a person's name and Social Security number match the Social Security' records.

New Year's Resolutions Everys Busines Owner Should Have

It's exciting to start the new year. A new beginning. And with the new year seems to be a chance to try new things and new successes, more handy. So we encourage all entrepreneurs to create one or a few New Year resolutions of a few that are adapted to the success of their business. Some of our favorites.
"I'm networking."
It is New Year's resolution, that any business can get. If the network is of the opinion that your hands are wet, from a party full of people who grow their business cards on you? Well, this is certainly a form of network, but not the only way. Perhaps the best way to start network where you are. To perform a more targeted effort to connect with those around you to see if they can be networked. Remember that networking really works both ways, and help you help them. So if you try to add to your network, you need to think really useful for other people also find, not a little business. In fact, it is helpful to others, that the company will most often to you.
"I'm going to advertise / promote my business."
It is New Year's resolutions for many companies, especially in today's economy. But the most important thing you before paying a dime on advertising or marketing can do is think about what makes you unique among your competitors, why would anyone choose to do business with you, not a another company? With nuggets of information are often found to recruit the best way, or to promote your business. Is the promotion of its five-star service, qualified staff, the most important benefits or otherwise. Think about why customers choose you over the competition, then use it to promote your business.
"I'm going to do a business plan."
You'll be surprised how many companies will not have a business plan, you just weekly or daily. This company is responding to their environment, rather than proactive and create opportunities for themselves. A business plan lets you specifically want to be where and what goals you want to achieve. This will help you, realistic and measurable goals for your business and focus your efforts on this goal, so you can see your company get to where you want to go up to 1 year, 5 years or 10 years old and beyond. Creating a business plan and professional goals for success!
Organize your New Year's resolutions are very similar to setting goals for your business. All objectives should S.M.A.R.T.:
- Specific
- Measured
- Achieved
- Realistic
- Timely
What does this mean?
The specific objective is one that is worn, the use is not universal. It works in a specific way. "I'm not going shopping." But: "I go to three new customers at the end of the month."
Objectives should be measurable. They were measured with the results you get. How do you measure the goals? As "I have three new clients at the end of the month will take effect," the success of "3 new clients" to "3" and "new" is.
The problem is also solved. Is it achievable goals can be achieved to wait three new customers at the end of the month? Sometimes you have to set goals, try to get there and the need to adjust the goals, you can see the results you get. Maybe you have more customers and you realize you can get 10 new customers in a month or more. Or maybe just one new customer per month is achievable.
The goal must be realistic. The aim must be practical and logical. It is easy to have dreams, but once said that "the goal, a dream is a deadline." The goal must be a dream. Be realistic when setting goals.
Objectives should always punctual. Set a deadline for when you do it? If you know you have succeeded? You should know when you've reached the goal, and after the necessary steps to set a new goal!


The number of companies failing continues to rise due to various reasons. In a day to day business there are lot's of good progress happens. At the same time there are some unforeseen or unexpected things turn on the face. When such unexpected things popping up, the most important thing to remember is be confident.
To start a business, you have to be confident; many entrepreneurs are driven, motivated and extrovert people. For them, risk is something to be relished or even totally ignored.
The challenge is to understand, the earlier the better, that you need help, specifically in cash flow management. Many entrepreneurs will admit a form of fiscal dyslexia; their eyes glaze over when confronted with a spreadsheet, even if they have a full or part-time finance expert as part of their team.
A good exercise is to re-examine your management accounts and put in the assumption that 25% of your predicted revenue just goes away and your largest customer suddenly decides to buy from one of your most aggressive competitors. Then assume your biggest suppliers will no longer be so flexible on payment and look at the 'spikes' in your cash flow, the times when payroll and taxes have to be paid.
Dealing with creditors/investors is one challenge, but when an impending tax demand puts the company payroll at risk, disaster may not be far away.
For example, there is a big order that has been on the horizon for some time. When this fails to materialize, optimism turns instantly to despair; In those cases, it is possible to renegotiate the terms of your lease. Landlords commonly ask for a year's rent in advance, terms you were willing to accept just after that funding round. Your moving to a monthly payment scheme will have a radical effect on your cash-flow and may even save your company, avoiding defaulting on your lease, which is, of course, your landlord's worst nightmare.
This approach is based on a sensible dialogue with both parties' interests at heart and can be extended to all your creditors. This includes your suppliers, the bank and even the tax authorities, who can be very reasonable if you approach them correctly. But any negotiation should be done on your behalf by people, who have not only made an honest appraisal of your business, but also speak the language of finance that your creditors understand.
Ideally, a company rescue is done in good time to prevent, rather than just treat the disease. If the patient is not quite terminal, then there are other steps before liquidation receivership or administration, including the Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA). This could be a deal between the company and its creditors to repay them from future profits or by selling some of the assets of the business.
In this situation the directors remain in control of the company, personal guarantees do not usually get called in and it gives the business a fighting chance to survive. This stops pressure from tax, VAT and PAYE while the CVA is prepared, and you can potentially use the instrument to terminate employment contracts, leases, onerous supply contracts and even landlords leases if this is what is required to restructure the company into profitability. Even the sensible approach of a CVA can be a mortal blow for the confidence of an entrepreneur, who almost invariably started their company with the best of intentions. The aim should be to exit the process with not just some self-respect, but also your family home, marriage and sanity intact.
eBizLink is a global business platform for Business Networking. Linking Entrepreneurs (Business Owners), Funders (Funding sources)/ Funding Agents (who source funders), Domain / Management Experts, Business Services across the globe and more.

Develop Your Interpersonal Skills and Business Strategies

With the increasing demand of business trainees and professionals in the corporate world, there are more and more business management training courses and programs being offered by various colleges, universities and professionals. These courses are aimed to provide the individuals and enthusiasts a profound insight of the problems, processes and the understanding, which is vital and requisite for anyone to thrive in the business world either as an entrepreneur or a team member.
Various business training programs are not only significant in developing the engaging, hiring, motivating and communication skills in an individual, but also help in the development of interpersonal aptitude of a person; consequently, these courses help you both to run your business efficiently and competently and gives you a prospect to make more profits. The fact is that the main objective of all these management schooling programs is to train and edify the students about efficiently allocating errands and responsibilities among the workforce, escalating the efficiency and output and finally seizing a successful deal.
All these courses are essentially intended for young managers and employees. This training and knowledge helps them in strengthening qualities like management, leadership, team building, time management, business ethics, networking, decision making, communication and useful administration. These courses stimulate and inspire the individuals and business buffs and facilitate them in dealing with their customers in an effectual way. Thus, the main rationale of any management training is to persuade the employees to work ably and proficiently under taxing and strenuous conditions. All these facets help an individual to develop a symbiotic relationship with the company and help in the overall growth.
Remember that the business and corporate world is a widespread industry, which offers an excellent platform and rewarding salaries for the employees; hence if you look forward for making it big in the industry, it is indispensable that you undergo the business management training courses and programs offered by various business schools, colleges, universities and private institutes across the world. And, in case you are a working professional, but want to augment your skills, then you can opt for the online training programs.
There is a wide array of options and you can choose the one that suits your area of expertise and your business. And once you register and join any of these relevant training programs you will not only get a chance or reviewing and evaluating some resourceful project models, but also an opportunity to execute particular business associated plans and policies; consequently, if you employ yourself with any of the business training programs you enhance your networking expertise and business management ability. You actually learn how to handle different situations.
Even if you have some relevant experience in business or job, taking up these training programs only add on to your knowledge. Every year, new products, advertising and marketing practices and new industry rules and acts keep coming in the market. And an espousal of specialized business management course will help you in getting reorganized about the new techniques and changes.
There is no denying that once you put your name down for a business management training course, you will smartly and efficiently widen your information and awareness about diverse attributes of handling a small or a big company. And once you are convinced and sure that you are set and prepared to face the market on your own, you might train and prepare someone else who may be new to the business or in unaware and naïve of the relevant plans and strategies that you know!
Get more information on Business Management Courses
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shilpika_P

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6915617

Key Points to Consider When Thinking About Printing Materials for Your Business

When it comes to building an identity for your business, one of the best and most trusted ways of doing it is through print materials. Though the print medium has been used for hundreds of years, its efficacy in reaching out to customers before they approach you is what makes print so useful. Printing materials allow you to create a first impression on your customer, giving him, or her, the idea of what you have to offer.
This is precisely the reason why print materials and ads are so important in building a brand and identity. It allows you to communicate your intentions, promises as well as the quality of your products and services, with the benefit of adding an emotional factor that connects with your customers.
Here are some points to observe when approaching print materials for your business concerns.
Use catalog and brochure materials to relay information to your niche
Your print ads and materials must market your business in an innovative way that it grabs the attention of your customers, who have the specific needs you cater to. Niche markets are specialized markets with highly specific needs, often ignored by the mass production of large corporations. This is where you come in.
Niche markets are often small markets, but have people who are willing to pay a premium for your services and products. Make your marketing approach more personal by offering brochures, leaflets and other small-scale print materials that can be filled with information and tips about your services and products.
Outdoor advertising should stir emotions
Consumers want to create a personal connection between them and the products and services they use and hire. So as a business, your brand must convey a set of values and beliefs your customers can relate to.
When conceptualizing billboards, posters and other materials that focus on images, it's a must that you resonate emotional content. The approach is totally up to you; your materials can either connect with a subculture, personal problems or common situations experienced by your audience.
One-on-one print materials must build your credibility
One of the main goals of a branding campaign is to establish your business' credibility and reputation for professionalism. This is particularly important when it comes to one-on-one marketing, something which must be highly personal.
Again, customers and clients wants to be treated in a special way, so this must extend to your personal marketing materials, such as postcards, letterheads and calling cards.
Printworld specialise in Sticky Notes, Sticky Note Printing & design Sticky Notes & Post It Notes including Branded, Custom, Promotional & Printed Sticky Notes & Pads.
For more information please visit http://www.printworld.ie/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bernard_Bradley

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6918699

Benefits Of A Translation Agency

The process of translating documents whether it's for the medical, financial, technology or any other sector, is a very important process. A simple error can have disastrous consequences and therefore it is imperative that this is done with complete accuracy.
Not only does this put a lot of pressure on the person doing it, it is also time consuming and can work out to be very expensive. Below are the top benefits of outsourcing this kind of work to a Translation Agency.
Save money
If you do your medical translations in-house then chances are that you are going to have to employ several people if you need documents translated into multiple languages. However, an agency will have many different people working there who can speak every language imaginable. This can save a company thousands of pounds because instead of hiring a few people to do the job, you simply use one agency that already has everyone on board who can do this for you.
The right expertise
When translating documents, you are going to want the person who is doing it for you to have some kind of expertise on the topic to make sure that it is done correctly and to the highest possible standards. If your business specialises in several different fields it would be near on impossible to find someone who can not only translate, but who is knowledgeable in all these areas. A Translation Agency will have a range of specialists working for them which means that they can assign the most suitable person to the job for you.
You set the deadlines
When you have someone working in-house for you, understandably, it can be hard to stick to deadlines. People get pulled into meetings, extra projects come in and small, every-day tasks can get in the way. However, when you use a Translation Agency you don't have to worry about any of this because you set a deadline and the company will ensure that the project is completed by then.
Extra Services
Another reason why a lot of companies use a Translation Agency is because they often offer extra services such as producing patient education, training materials, product leaflets, promotional materials and much more. This means that rather than using several companies or employing various different people, everything will be completed by the same company.
One off services
Translations might not be something that you need to do very often in which case using a Translation Agency is perfect. It means that you don't have to employ a full-time member of staff for those rare occasions when you need something done and then they sit around doing nothing at other times. This way you simply pay when you need the service and when you don't, it's a cost that you don't have to worry about.
Most companies these days strive to reduce costs and be more time efficient so bearing this is mind, it's not hard to see why more and more are starting to use a Translation Agency for all their translation needs.
Conversis Global is a leading Uk-based translation agency which provides translation and localised services for the healthcare, technology, financial and other sectors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Monique_A_Holtman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6901759

Business Services Can Help Increase Your Profits

Many people become entrepreneurs because they are tired of working for someone else, and they want more control over their futures, their incomes and their retirement. They love the idea of working flexible hours, and taking time off whenever the need arises. However, once they jump onto the entrepreneur bandwagon, they quickly realize that there is much more to running a successful business.
Many entrepreneurs don't understand that by outsourcing some of their activities, they can actually increase their profits. They are so intent on making money that they don't see the forest for the trees. In other words, paying for business services can actually help increase your bottom line in the long run.
Business services encompass a wide range of tasks and activities, and include everything from mailing packages to bookkeeping. The key to increasing your profits is to take inventory of your various skills and weaknesses; this will give you an indication of where you need to start.
Set aside a few hours to yourself, and carefully evaluate your skills. What do you like to do the most? What do you like to do the least? What are you good at? What could you improve at? What do you really not have the time for? Make a comprehensive list of every single activity that your business requires. Categorize them as per the questions above. Don't forget to include things like SEO strategies, marketing, mailing, and appointment setting.
The next step is to contact these companies to ascertain their experience and reputation. Talk to other business owners and find out what types of business services they have used. Research customer testimonials and contact each company to get your questions answered. The rate at which they answer is a good indication of the level of service they will provide.
When you outsource your tasks to various business services that have the knowledge and expertise you are looking for, you can concentrate on the activities that you are best suited for. This will help you run your business more efficiently and more profitably. You'll be able to focus on a select few tasks and activities that will give your customer a better overall experience.
You will see an increase in profits, even though you are spending money on various business services. They are there to help you streamline your business and allow you to build your brand and reputation based on what you do best. That is what becoming an entrepreneur is all about.
For more information on business services, feel free to visit our site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MD_Risalatul_Hoque

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6920129

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